Category: Logic Pro

  • Processing the sound of a singing bowl using “Additive” under Alchemy : Logic Pro

    I tried processing the sound of a singing bowl using Additive” under Alchemy.For instructions on how to use “Additive”, refer to this URL. Using the sound material is this. You can download it from this URL *Instruments with lower pitch contain a lot of overtones, so it is easier to use Additive Mode for… Read more

  • Try applying granular to the rainstick sound using Alchemy in “Logic Pro”

    Previously, I tried applying granular to the rainstick sound using the synthesizer “Alchemy” include in Logic Pro.I was able to process it into a relatively good sound, so I want to write it while remembering how to do it. First, as a preliminary step, load the rainstick sound into “source A” under “Alchemy”.You need to… Read more